How-to & FAQ

What is Movie Miner?

Movie Miner is an app that lets you organize your movie collection. Enter all your films and series and you can browse, search and be inspired in your collection.
Anyone who has a lot of films knows the problem: at some point you lose track. Do I have this film and if so where? Is it in the DVD cabinet or online - and from which provider?
With Movie Miner you can quickly answer such questions.
In addition, the app always gives you new suggestions from your collection. Let yourself be inspired and rediscover your film treasures.

How to start?

First enter your films in the app.
Tap on Add

Enter the title of the movie in the search field. Movie Miner then searches at TMDB. Select the movie you want from the search results and tap + Done: The film is now saved in your collection.

Tip: The fastest way to search is to use the iOS dictation feature.

Tip: You can also search for people. If you tap on the desired person in the search result, you will see all the films in which they have been involved.

You can adjust the details of an entry before saving it.
To do this, tap on the desired film from the search result. You are now in edit view. Complete or change the entry according to your wishes.

In the (rare) case that you want to enter a film that cannot be found in TMDB, you can also enter all film data manually.

Your providers and tags

To get a good overview of your films, two things are particularly interesting: providers and tags


The provider tells you where you bought or can find a film, e.g. on DVD, at Amazon, Apple or similar.

You can enter the provider for each film. A film can also have several providers.

Tip: To make it faster, you can set a default provider in the settings. This is set automatically for each new entry. For example, set this value to "DVD" before entering your DVD collection.


Tags are keywords under which you can find your films.
By default, Movie Miner takes the genres of a movie as tags, e.g. drama, romance, sci-fi. This is definitely always a good start.
But you can also add your own tags and thus divide your films into categories according to your wishes.

How do I edit a film entry?

In the detail view, tap on the pencil icon in the upper right corner.

Now you're in edit view and ready to go.

All areas that you can edit are marked with a colored line.

You can adjust the following things:

backdrop image
poster image
year of production
production countries
age rating

How do I find my films?

In the media library view you will find a list of all the films in your collection.

You can search your films there and filter by the most important categories.
If you tap on the filter symbol at the top right, the view with all filter options opens.

You can currently filter by the following criteria:

category: Movie or TV
year of production (decade)

You can sort the search results by tapping the sort icon and selecting the desired sorting.

On the start screen you will find a new selection of recommendations from your collection every day. The app puts this together for you as inspiration for your movie night.

The providers that are available are not enough..

The providers you see by default are just a suggestion.
In the settings you can specify which providers you want to use. We have deposited a list of video services. All entries that you activate there are available to you when editing entries. All others are hidden.

If you are missing a provider, you can add it there yourself.

I want to organize my DVDs by cabinets and shelves

In this case, we suggest that you add the appropriate providers. For example, create a provider "upper shelf" and add it to all the movies that are there.

Sometimes there is no poster or backdrop image

In this case you can use your own image. On the edit screen, tap the image you want to change. You can now add your own image. Either from the gallery or you take a new picture. For example: Take a picture of the DVD case.

I want to back up my data.

Good idea. You can create a backup by tapping "Backup" under Settings.
The backup includes the film data and the associated images that you have saved.

Tap "create backup now". The created backup appears in the list. You can now save this file to a different location.

Please note: If you delete the app, the backups will also be deleted. So save your backup beforehand, e.g. on your iPhone under "Files" or in your iCloud storage.

Is there a watchlist?

Sure. Tap on the watchlist icon in the detail view.

The film is now on your watchlist.
You can access the watch list at any time from the start page.
To remove a film from the watchlist, simply tap the icon in the detail view again, or the x in the watchlist view.

How can I delete a movie?

To delete a movie, tap the pencil icon in the detail view and then tap the trash can in the bottom left.

I don't care about some tags that were added automatically

If you want to remove a tag from all movies, go to Settings -> Your Tags. Here you will find a list of all tags that appear in your collection. You can also see how many/which movies are tagged.
If you want to delete a tag, swipe the line to the right and tap on the trash can.